I think the Borg should start sending out DVDs aimed at mothers on how to react to their children correctly and start by explaining how to put eye balls back in their sockets first.
If I was Calebs Mom I would ask him first quietly if he was getting hungry after he requested food then I would sit him down make him a sandwich then explain the please and thank you bit without throwing a wobbler. The kids hungry for goodness sake have a bit of compassion woman and while you are at it give yourself some nosh you look like you could do with a bowl of cornflakes.
Has she got the Resting Bitchy Face that some ladies get which was highlighted a few days ago?
Jehovah says please ? Hello! who has ever heard him say it evidence if you don't mind. Jehovah says, PLEASE do as instructed by the boys in Brooklyn or my eyballs will stick out but not as much as yours when I turn you into hotdogs at the big A.